Wednesday, May 28, 2008

MiG in WWRY Hong Kong!

Here's MiG's graphic to spread the word on WWRY in Hong Kong! If you'd like to post the pic somewhere too, go to MiGsquadHQ's graphic page!


Hong Kong WWRY Blog Reviews

Here's some blogs that have written reviews on the show! You guys might be interested in checking them out yeah!

MeiYah: We Will Rock You
:this blog has some stuff MiG said and all yep.

Same Same, But Different:We Will Rock You
:this blog includes some wwry clips as well, taken by the author.

Mobile Customs Multiply:We Will Rock You
:this author! Flew to hk the next day to catch the show cause he had tics from someone who couldn't make it! wow!

Monday, May 26, 2008

MiG Debut CD Realeased in Hong Kong!

Heads up, those in Hong Kong! MiG's debut CD is now released in Hong Kong and is avalible at all good record stores!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

HKClubbing WWRY Hong Kong Gallery!

HKClubbing has set up a photo gallery on WWRY Hong Kong! Go check it out! The photos are freaking nice (esp this black and white photo of MiG & Sivan) and the Ads there are everywhere and WOW!(: Update!

The "Gallery>Theatre" and "Press" sections of is updated! Go check it out yeah! There's an audio interview with MiG and Annie Crummer there(:

Time Out Hong Kong WWRY Review

Time Out wrote a review on WWRY in Hong Kong, do check it out!(:

Friday, May 23, 2008

Butterboom WWRY Hong Kong Article

Butterboom wrote an article on WWRY in Hong Kong! There's a WWRY picture too! Go check it out!(:

Butterboom WWRY Hong Kong Article

The Standard WWRY Hong Kong Article

The Standard, an English newspaper from Hong Kong wrote an article on WWRY in Hong Kong. Go check it out!(:

Thursday, May 22, 2008

MiG Blog!

New Blog entry, from MiG!

21st May 2008


We have just experienced three days of national mourning for those victims of the catastrophic earthquake in Sichuan, China. There is much sadness and suffering and the cruel loss of so many young children has pulled a blanket of sorrow over the earth. I continue to pray for the souls and the families of the innocent victims, the injured, the homeless and the grieving. It is almost too much to think what they must be going through. And to think so many deaths could have been avoided had the buildings been built properly in the first place. There are so many questions that need to be answered. So many wrongs need to be accounted for. They must not have died in vain. I hope that in their memory, a complete re-evaluation of the safety of all buildings everywhere is done to safeguard us all from this ever happening again. 

Everything seems to pale in comparison to the earthquake in China and the cyclone in Myanmar, but I am in Hong Kong and the show has well and truly opened. The response has been nothing short of spectacular and a successful season here is almost guaranteed. I guess there is always a place for an escape from the stresses of life and tragedy. If we can make people laugh and forget their woes for even a short while, it doesn’t seem so pointless.

Everything is put into perspective. 

I had a visit from my good friend Warwick from England. He and his brother and carer came to Hong Kong to see the opening of WWRY. This was Warwick (Wazza!)’s first time out of the UK and even on a plane. The joy he gave to everyone who met him was inspirational. It was such a surprise and I was so honoured that he would go to such a length to see me here in Hong Kong, I am not worthy.

Everything is put into perspective.

I shall never want for anything but to be happy and healthy and to be surrounded by the laughter and love of my dear ones. That is all that should ever matter.

Having said that, Hong Kong is going off! This city is too amazing and wonderful to describe. Every sector of the city is as awesome as the next one in its own way. The people have won my heart and I have fallen in love with this place. 

Sending you all my love to you and yours,



Wednesday, May 21, 2008 WWRY Promotion Article [backdated]

Ah! I think this must be quite back dated, but I just found it and there's pics I haven't seen before! So okay, yay! When they were doing promotion stuff for WWRY! Check it out!(:

Edited: Guess what! I found out these were when he was in Singapore if I'm not wrong! lol! backdated! but okay, I haven't seen these pics before so yep =P

"She Loved" MV On

The She Loved music video is spotted on a chinese video website again! (Sort of like youtube) If you do check it out, click on "" (which means "top" in Chinese) below the video to say that you like it!(:

"She Loved" MV On

The She Loved music video is spotted on a chinese video website! (Sort of like youtube) If you do check it out, click on "喜欢" (which means "like" in Chinese) below the video to say that you like it!(: WWRY Hong Kong Article wrote an article in Traditional Chinese on WWRY in Hong Kong, there's some pics too! Check it out!(:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 WWRY Hong Kong Article wrote an article on WWRY in Hong Kong in Traditional Chinese, there's some pictures too! Check it out!(: WWRY Hong Kong Chinese Article2 wrote an article on bringing her kids to watch WWRY Hong Kong in Simplified Chinese! Check it out! There's a pic too(: WWRY Hong Kong Article

大公報 wrote an article on WWRY in HK in Traditional Chinese! Take a look!(: WWRY Hong Kong Article wrote an article on WWRY Hong Kong too! Go take a look!(: WWRY Hong Kong Chinese Article wrote an article on WWRY Hong Kong in Simplified Chinese. Go check it out!(:

btw, MiG's name in chinese is...
MiG Ayesa = 米基艾若莎 ! =P

Monday, May 19, 2008 WWRY Article wrote an article on WWRY! Go check it out!(: WWRY Article

HKClubbing WWRY Interview With Roger Taylor & Ben Elton

HKClubbing got to interview Roger Taylor & Ben Elton on WWRY. Take a look!(:

Yahoo Hong Kong WWRY Opening Night Article

Yahoo Hong Kong wrote an article in Traditional Chinese on the opening night show. There's also 3 pics at the side, click the arrow box to scroll and see. You can also enlarge it by clicking on the words "放大". Check it out!(:

MTV Asia "Win MiG Autographed CDs!"

Good news for those who didn't manage get their copy of MiG's "MiG" autographed by the man! MTV Asia is giving away autographed MiG CDs! All you have to do is answer the question on their website (click below for link): In which country was MiG born? 
I bet all you MiG fans sure know the answer already yeah???

On a second thought, maybe we should leave them for people who just decided to try their luck and haven't heard of MiG yet. I'm sure they would get MiGed after listening to the CD! Oh well. If you do want to try your luck and go for it though, all the best!(:

PS. okay, I know I discovered this late, but no worries, the closing date is June 4th 2008 yep.(:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Time Out Hong Kong WWRY Article

Time Out Hong Kong wrote an article with some replies from MiG over the phone when he was in Singapore. (sorry I'm not sure when this came out, just discovered it!) Go check it out!(:

WWRY HK Ad Pics!

Here's some photos of WWRY ads in HK from Grace who recently came back from HK! Got her permission to post her pics yep. Credits to Grace!(: Enjoy! Update!

MiG has updated the News and Tour sections of his official site, , go check it out!(:

Friday, May 16, 2008

WWRY HK Has Officially Opened!

20:00 Hong Kong time. WRWY has officially opened in Hong Kong now! Innuendo should start playing at the Lyric Theatre in HK soon and it'll all begin! Ahhh! I can't wait for the press articles to start coming and I hope all is well with MiG and the cast and that they are enjoying themselves loads! GOOD LUCK to the whole cast! MiG especially! And congrats on the opening in HK! =D

3o More Minutes To The Opening Of WWRY HK!

Okay, I know I may seem crazy, but I'm really excited for MiG even though I'm not there! 30 MORE MINUTES! I shall post again at the exact 8pm in hk! =P Oh yeah, the opening also probably means more press articles soon!:)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lifestyle Singapore Article WWRY HK

Lifestyle Singapore wrote an article on WWRY in Hong Kong yep. Go check it out!(:

Lifestyle Singapore Article on WWRY in Hong Kong

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Discover Hong Kong WWRY Info in Traditional Chinese

Hey guys! If you know anyone/any people who needs/wants the info on WWRY in HK in Chinese, there's the info in Chinese on the Discover Hong King website. Do direct them there yeah?


*NOTE, it's in Traditional Chinese. Not the Simplified Chinese yep.

Discover Hong Kong WWRY Chinese Info

MiG Blog!

New blog entry, from MiG!

12th May 2008

I am loving Hong Kong!! This place is unbelievable! All I have seen so far has blown me away. The city has developed even more since I was last year and Olympic fever has hit here big time. The huge Olympic rings that grace the harbour shore give no doubt that this is an Olympic city (equestrian events will be held here). It also gives gives no doubt that we are in China.

The earthquake today in Central China’s Sichuan Province has rocked the world more than literally. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those men, women and children still unaccounted for. To suffer so much in that way is beyond me. I only wish the death toll is not as high as they predict.

And I am shocked and angry at the stupidity of the frustrating situation in Myanmar. How can a government just sit there and deny its own people the means and supplies by which they can survive, and watch them die, just to protect their own selfish power?! This insanity has got to stop! I am shell shocked, and see how futile my own problems are. If ever we need a reality check…

Bless you all and I pray you are all safe and happy. I hope all you mothers out there were spoiled rotten on Sunday. I am a big fan of mothers. I come from a long line of mothers. My mum is a mother.

Always love,

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Nation WWRY Article- Bangkok Newspaper

Bangkok newspaper "The Nation" wrote an article on WWRY in HongKong. Go check it out yeah?(:

The Nation WWRY in HK Article

Sunday, May 11, 2008

MiG in HK

So by now, MiG is officially in Hong Kong.
Performance dates: 16th May - 15th June.
"After Hong Kong we end our tour in Bangkok. The final show of this International Tour will be 27 July, 2008" From Mig's diary.

For more information on Hong Kong click this link

MiG will defintely be up and about in Hong Kong, performing and being interviewed here and there. So keep up with this site for the news on MiG in HK.

Quoted from MiG's diary again, "there might be a couple of dates in england in august"

Friday, May 9, 2008

MiG Blog!

New blog entry, from MiG!

9th May 2008.


I’m at the airport after almost getting car-sick in the taxi in horrific traffic out of New York. The lounge in Terminal 7 is an oasis of fountains and Sultana Bran. I have to board my Cathay Pacific flight in 10 minutes, so I have to rush.

Hong Kong, here I come! I love this city. It is the New York of Asia…or is that Shanghai?

It took me ages to pack and it’s getting harder and harder to leave my beautiful family. I am looking forward to coming back to amazing NYC and making a life for myself and getting creative with writing and recording and auditioning and LIVING! Not to say I’m complaining. Travelling is always exciting. Just a little tired and emotional right now.

Gotta fly…



MiG's Official Tshirt Mass Order Dateline!

Okay, the official dateline for submission of demands for now is set to June 23rd 2008. Cause I know there are some issues about people wanting the shirts but need to save up for it, especially for the younger fans. The late June is also for some people who can get to work during the June school holidays or something to save up for it yep(: Also, if we have quite abit of orders the cost will be lesser, cause I think the bulk shipping would be cheaper yep. Now's just to know who's interested so we can estimate the cost. Hope more people can order now yep, I know lots of people really want the shirt yeah, so trying to help make it avalible for everyone as far possible. (:

*For those who have submitted demands, an email will be sent to you shortly after the dateline for you to confirm your order, and any other impt info we'll have to tell you then. Thanks!

**The actual measurements for sizes will be up as soon as we get it. Stay tuned!(:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

MiG's Official Tshirt Mass Order!

Guess what? We have decided to do a mass order for MiG's Official TShirts! *For Singapore only at now, so sorry!* The small sizes are actually sold out but we can get them to print more if we have enough orders, so HANDS UP WHO WANTS AN OFFICIAL MiG T-SHIRT DESIGNED BY MiG? It's around 40 35 SGD with shipping. Most probably less but not more, after converting to USD and all. But then, we've got to know the number of orders to confirm the price as well so yep. Email with your orders NOW! We need to know the demand for it before going about to do it, so yep. (:

*NOTE:It says sold out on the web, but MiG agrees to do a small reprint just for us. So the order is on, for those who went on MiG's tshirt site and saw the "sold out" sign.*

Sizes are in mens size: S, M, L, XL and XXL.
Designed by MiG himself and manufactured by Achromik Clothing.
Do email us for any enquires as well and we will do our best to answer your questions to the best of our ability.(:
* The more detailed size measurements will be up later, also when we do it we'll ask you to reconfirm everything.

Dateline for submission:23rd June 2008

Format To Place A Demand:
contact number: (if you're okay with that, we'll need it later when we confirm that we're ordering )
No Of Orders:


We will keep you informed when we confirm to do this.(:
*note, it's silk screened, so it's really really pretty!
MiG's Official Shirt
MiG's Official Shirt
Got MiG?

Thanks alot!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

MiG Blog!

New blog entry, from MiG!

5th May 2008


Greetings from the MiG Apple. It’s so great to be back home and actually see trees of green, red and pink buds blossoming all over the place. The changing of the seasons is so dramatic here! I love it. Spring is so in the air, and there is such beauty everywhere it brings a lump to my throat. I thought Central Park was beautiful in winter, but wow! Spring has become my official favourite season, especially since I have had no major hay fever attack yet. I might be just in denial, but maybe I might be getting over this crippling ailment I’ve had since I was a teeny tot, where your eyes swell up, and you sneeze for hours. Claratyne is doing the trick. Fingers crossed!

This new site I’ve put up must have caught people by surprise, but I hope you like it. It is so much more manageable than the previous site. I can edit it and control it completely by myself, adding everything I want to add and responding to those who want to get in touch with me.  I guess there might be some improvements to be made, as I am new at this kinda thing. There are things I might have left out or added twice, but this is a work in progress as all sites should be. The beauty of this is that I can work on it straight away. It will hopefully be a source of entertainment and information as I move towards the next phase of my career.

I head off to Hong Kong this Friday for the continuing saga of WE WILL ROCK YOU. This next leg promises to be the biggest one yet. A big promise to fulfil if it is to compete with Singapore, Auckland and Seoul. After Hong Kong we end our tour in Bangkok. The final show of this International Tour will be 27 July, 2008. There might be a couple of dates in England in August, but apart from that, I will be furiously working on a new album. There is so much to do, so much to look forward to, and also so much to worry about! 

So for the time being, I’ve added some songs in the audio page, videos in the video page, pictures all over the place and enough press and reading materials to keep you busy for a while.

The whole new forum is a much user friendly format so I hope you enjoy being there. I am new to the whole forum thing but I will be reading every entry as I am the sole moderator…still learning what that means.

I say hello to my beautiful loyal fans and welcome my new ones. I hope you enjoy the ride.

Always love,


Monday, May 5, 2008

Power 98 Sebastian's Blog

Sebastian from Radio Power 98 blogged about WWRY (dated May 5th) and meeting MiG as well! Go check out his blog!

Power 98 Sebastian's Blog

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Yet Another Video!

Hey guys! I've found, yet another video! I think it's an old one though. I'm really not sure, but yeah, Adrian Pang interviews MiG & the WWRY cast! The even dress him up bohemian style! And that Killer Queen screen, it's actually live! wow!

Adrian Pang interviews WWRY

MiG's site!

MiG's official site is finally up! Hurry! go check it out NOW (:
official site

Urban Wire Interview

Released on 27th April 2008. Sorry! Only found this right now, so yep. It's an audio interview. You're got to wait quite abit before it loads though. But be patient and you'll hear MiG talking soon(:

MTV Asia Video Interview

Here's a video interview from MTV asia. Taye interviews MiG on his album and some other stuff(: Not sure when this was up, but I just came across it while on MTVasia yep.(:

MTV Asia: Taye Interviews MiG on "MiG"

Saturday, May 3, 2008

MiG's Official New Forum Is Up!!

Hey guys! Check out the official forum! Revamped! Design's by MiG! Totally cool yeah? Alright. Enough said. Go check out his official forum, sign up and introduce yourselves!(:

MiG's New Official Forum

Meanwhile, the official site is still being done up. No worries, MiG has it all under control. We shall await the comming new looks of the site...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Official Site Down For Awhile.

Just a short notice, if you haven't been able to access MiG's official site recently, it's down for awhile, so yep. It's not just you or something. But no worries, it should be up soon yep. (:

Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Video From MiG!

Here's a video of his gig with the WWRY band at The Pump Room!

Song: One Sunset At A Time, by MiG & M. Scanlen