Thursday, December 25, 2008

MiG Blog!

Latest post from MiG!
December 24th 2008

Dear Everyone,

As I was rushing around yesterday, frantically trying to get everything done for the impending celebrations that is Christmas, I found myself getting flustered and harassed by the hoards of people who themselves were getting flustered and harassed. I thought to myself,"Why do we bother? Why the torture?" Then, as I was walking past my building, I saw a familiar face and was in almost shock when I realised it was John Lithgow (WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP, FOOTLOOSE, SHREK, 3RD ROCK FROM THE SUN, etc, etc.) and he realised that I recognised him as we were crossing paths and he started to smile. As I greeted him with a very loud and unexpectedly enthusiastic "Merry Christmas, Sir!" He turned around and with an equally broad smile replied, "And a Merry Christmas to you!"

Ok. This may seem sad that I was so star-struck but my point is this: We are all on this earth together. All just trying to make our way through our life. We go through our days so busily, we don't really take time out to celebrate our humanity, our brother/sisterhood. Yet at Christmas, we are all united in our wanting to be with family, to reflect on the year past and the year ahead, to find truth and goodness in everyone. Whether you are John Lithgow or John Doe, Christmas will touch your spirit.

I hope Christmas this year will touch you all in a very special way. It's not about how extravagant the gifts you exchange. These hard economic times just means that we should be more careful yet creative about what we give this year. The spirit of Christmas and the love it generates should be even more evident this year as we concern ourselves more on the real issues, what really matters in this life.


Merry Christmas to everyone, to you and yours and to all those who aren't. Whatever your religion, whatever your beliefs, whatever your race, whatever you do... Love.

Always love,

PS: To get you in the mood, click HERE! or even click HERE!
PPS: And Elf Yourself a Merry Little Christmas now...

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